A tube of toothpaste will tell you everything you need to know about prototyping.
After working in consumer facing smart product development for more than a decade, I can tell you one thing:
You need to prototype early, and often.
70% of products fail before they even get to the market and many more fail once they hit the market for one simple reason:
People forgot to, or didn't prioritize prototyping and user evaluations.
Why are you talking about toothpaste?!
Here's a little insight into what this course is really about:
Is this course for me?
Prototyping encompasses a huge range of product maturity, from early mockups to ready-for-manufacturing products.
This course is for everyone from developers to designers, product owners to C-suite folks. It's a quick dive into how prototyping can help you to make better products, services, and experiences.
In this quick crash course about prototyping, we'll focus on 3 main areas:
Identify the WHY
We'll start with your WHY. This is the most important aspect of designing, developing and bringing to market a new product or service.
Build, Test, Repeat.
We'll dive right in, and build your first prototype in 90 seconds. Prototyping doesn't have to be complicated, but it does need to be done.
Insights and Iterations
Prototyping is absolutely useless unless you iterate, build again, and carefully learn from the insights gained during each iteration.
Example Curriculum
Meet Vanessa Julia Carpenter, PhD
Hi there, I'm Vanessa. And I've been teaching this course for a little over 12 years now, in universities, across industry including engineering firms, pharmaceuticals, and small businesses, at hacker spaces and art collectives, and pretty much everywhere that people need to learn how to prototype. It's fast, easy, and fun - you'll get hands-on with prototyping right away and quickly come to understand the basic principles of design thinking and product development.